Setup: WiFi Server Mode

WiFi wireless technology is included with all PosiTector Advanced models with serial numbers greater than 730000 and PosiTest AT-A Automatic Adhesion Testers with a touchscreen display.

Any device connected on the same network can wirelessly access the gages stored measurement data to:

  • View stored measurements using a standard web browser
  • Access HTML, comma delimited text (.txt) and JSON schema files - parse information for inclusion in databases or custom software applications
  • Remotely control gage memory features such as creating a new batch and deleting all measurement data
  • Remotely view the live display of a working instrument - see the gage display as if it were in your hand

Connecting to the gage using a standard web browser

1. Connect your instrument to a WiFi network by selecting Networks from within the Connect > WiFi menu. Ensure the instrument and smart device or computer are connected to the same WiFi network.

An image of 3 PosiTector age body screenshots side by side. The first is in the WiFi menu with "Networks" selected. The second shows the Available Networks. The third is a main measurement screen but the "Network Icon" can be seen at the top.

2. Type the IP address found within the instruments Connect > WiFi > Information menu into the web browser address bar.

Screenshot from PosiTector gage body showing "WiFi Information"

3. The contents of PosiSoft USB are displayed. From this directory, all features of PosiSoft USB can be accessed. Visit for more information.

Screenshot from a web browser showing the Directory Listing when using a gage with PosiSoft USB

Remotely control gage memory features

Some memory features can be controlled remotely over WiFi utilizing PHP scripts:

  • Creating a New batch
  • Delete all batches
  • Close a batch
  • Refresh Instrument Memory (readings)
    Refresh new readings only (since last refresh): http://ip_address_of_instrument:8080/refresh.php
    Refresh all readings: http://ip_address_of_instrument:8080/refresh_all.php

How to use WiFi Batch Transfer

After a call to refresh.php (see above) each batch in the gage will have 4 files within the http://<positector ip="" address="">:8080/usbms/<buid> directory. Replace <buid> with the batch's unique identifier which is listed in Batchlist.txt.</buid></buid></positector>

  • header.txt – contains basic information on the batch including serial number and probe type
  • readings.txt – a CSV containing a reader and one reading per line
  • statistics.txt – a CSV containing statistics on the batch and any included reading sets
  • <buid>.json – a JSON file with the same information as header.txt and readings.txt in JSON format</buid>
  • Note: The order of the columns within the CSV files and order of rows in header.txt may change at any time. Files should be parsed using their column headers to determine ordering rather than constants.

Remotely view the live display of a working instrument

View the instrument display using a web browser. The live display updates every couple of seconds.

  • Type link into browser: http://ip_address_of_instrument:8080/screen.php